07 August 2008

Americans: Best Entertained, Least Informed. Robert Kennedy, Jr. on the corporate takeover of our government & elimination of a free press. (May 2007)

Superb talk by Robert Kennedy, Jr. on the corporate takeover of the United States government and elimination of a free press. Kennedy seems incredibly well-versed on many subjects, and has obviously reflected a great deal on the state of affairs in the US. And his historical perspective is so broad, for each topic he brings up he provides a very hearty dose of historical context, both world historical context and context specific to the history of the United States government. With regards to corporate takeover, he reminds us that many people in this nation's history fought tooth and nail with the "robber barons" to prevent them from building up a force united against the public interest, and now we find ourselves having handed it all, and much more, back to the very same kinds of monopolists. With regards to the elimination of a free press, he quotes telling figures regarding the state of the news these days from the 5 (FIVE) guys that are running it, to ABC's 0 (ZERO) foreign news desks in Europe. Thank you Mr. Kennedy.

Robert Kennedy, Jr. on the corporate takeover of our government & elimination of a free press. New York City, May Day 2007.

* My only minor qualm with Mr. Kennedy, and this does not in any way limit my recommendation of this speech of his, is that he really should consider completely eliminating "right" and "left" from his vocabulary--they are really just confusing, false terms best left absent from ALL political conversation.

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